Thursday, February 28, 2008

Proud Completion of 1934 (1st May) - 1941 (1st March) Sir Charles Vyner Brooke

After some wait, I have finally completed this set of 1934/1941 set of Sir Charles Vyner Brooke stamps. This is the original un-overprinted set of stamps, meaning this set of stamps does not bear the "BMA" Overprint or the Crown Colony Overprint. I will detail both of these Overprinted sets in the future. The 3 stamps I bidded and won on eBay are the most expensive 3 in the set of 26 stamps. Previously I have been reluctant to dish out too much money just to complete this set - but now I am happy it's done!

(Above) This is the $5 value in the set, priced at RM150 in the ISC Catalogue, and £27 (US$53.71) in the SG Catalogue. Usually I would not dish out more than 25% of the SG Catalogue price to get a stamp, but this time I forked out US$31.10. Why? 2 reasons: 1) This stamp is Mint Not Hinged, meaning the gum at the back is completely undisturbed... which is rare because stamps during that time mostly have been previously hinged; and 2) I need this to complete my collection!
(Above) This is the $4 value in the set, cataloging at RM130 in the ISC, and £27 in SG. Make no mistake I have overpaid for this one as well, but for the same reasons as above, I am a happy man.

(Above) This is the $3 value, coming in at RM120 in the ISC and £27 in SG. Stanley Gibbons priced these 3 stamps all at £27 each, when ISC differentiates between the 3, albeit mildly.

So now, these 3 stamps could go in between these......

(Above) The $2 and the $10 values waiting for the $3, $4 and $5 values to squeeze in right between for the completion of the 1932/41 Charles Vyner Brooke family of 26-stamps set.

I have asked the seller to hold these 3 valuable stamps for me, because I do not trust the postal system in Malaysia enough. Apparently he advised against sending it here as well, because in his words, everything he has ever sent to Malaysia "disappeared without a trace".

So I will get them in Sydney come May.


Monday, February 25, 2008

1932 (1st January) - Sir Charles Vyner Brooke

Sarawak - The Waterlow Issue of 1932
Complete Set (ISC 97-111; SG 91-105) Mint

January 1st, 1932, saw the issue of a completely new series of stamps printed by Messrs Waterlow and Sons Ltd, of London Wall, London E. C.

The Design
The central motif of this stamp which is of rectangular format measuring 21 3/4 mm. x 19 mm. consists of a head and shoulder portrait of Sir Charles Vyner Brooke in uniform. The top of the design is occupied by a name plate bearing the word "Sarawak" on a plain background and having a small scroll just below and to the right inscribed "Postage". The left side shows a design of palm leaves and below, on either side of the central tablet of value, appear tropical leaves and blossoms.

The denomination is in colorless numerals on a solid background of color and lies within an ornamental tablet.

Method of Production
The stamps of this issue were recess printed and the plate was arranged in ten rows of ten impressions. The thin white wove paper used for this series bears a multiple watermark of an oriental coronet presumably adapted from that appearing on the national coat of arms.

Sheets were line perforated gauge 12 1/2 and the lines of perforation cross all four sheet margins. The firm's imprint, Messrs. Waterlow and Sons, Limited, London Wall, London E. C. appears centrally on the top and bottom margins and in the top right corner is printed a serial sheet number.

The ten low values are printed in one colour, it seems clear that a separate printing plate was constructed for each of these denominations. The five higher values were printed in two colours and, for these, a common head plate was used but separate duty plates were required for each.

Current Day Value
For this complete set of 15 mint stamps...
The International Stamp & Coin Sdn Bhd (ISC) values it at RM400.00.
The Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue (SG) values it at £94.35, i.e. RM600.00.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

1897 (April) - 1901, 5c Green

1897 (April) - 1901, 5c Green

This block of 4 is one of the bargains I picked up on eBay. Picking up bargains requires a lot of time in front of screen and a lot of bidding strategies - some naughty some less so. ;)

The International Stamp & Coin Sdn Bhd Catalogue 2007-2009 Edition (ISC) prices this stamp at RM240. Four of this will command RM960 - and being a block (of 4), it will fetch more than RM1,000, typically RM240 times the price of 5. The ISC is conservative in its prices, though - maybe because it's Malaysian!

The most widely used international catalogue, the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue (SG) has this stamp at £50.00 each. At 5 times it will be closer to £250.00.

P/S, I am prepared to take reasonable offers. ;)


Welcome to Borneo Stamps

I think it's more fun to share what I have got and what I have got to say with the world wide web rather than to keep everything to myself!

I am a stamp collector, closer to a philatelist over a typical stamp collector actually, even though the line between the two is never properly defined. I study, invest and hunt for stamps, occasionally covers, of Sarawak, North Borneo and pre-1997 Hong Kong. I also have a relatively extensive collection of British Commonwealth countries' complete sets - those bearing Queen Elizabeth II. Having lived in Australia for more than half a decade, it is not surprisingly that I also at times take on board Australian stamps. I picked up a complete Mint Not Hinged Australian collection up until 1983, and I have a particular fancy for the 1988 Living Together definitive series as well.

I am going to share some of my collection, some of what I know, some items I find interesting on online auctions etc here on this blog.

... and oh, I am slowly going into numismatics. I am starting to collect old and new Uncirculated Malaysia, Sarawak and British Borneo bank notes as well.
